
imported directly from austria

We buy Almdudler directly from distributors in Austria and ship it to Canada where it gets placed into our temperature controlled warehouse. From there we sell it in our restaurant both by the bottle or case as well as ship packages throughout Canada and U.S. We currently carry the 24 bottle package (500mL each) You can place an order on our website or contact us by email/phone for more information

How almdudler is made

“Almdudler’s meticulous production process begins with collecting and drying alpine herbs. One of the first, important quality tests involves determining the amount of essential oils in the herbs and evaluating them. These herbs include lemon balm, sage, gentian, elderflower and coneflower; those which meet Almdudler’s strict criteria go through a mixing process and the high quality aroma is carefully extracted. This extract is allowed to mature over several weeks, creating the unmistakable Almdudler aroma. To make Almdudler, this alpine herb extract is then mixed with fresh spring water, natural beet sugar and citric acid, carbonated and poured into the original Almdudler bottle. That’s how our Almdudler gets its unique, refreshing, sweet-tangy taste; without preservatives or artificial flavours. Almdudler is certified as suitable for vegans with the European vegan label.”

link to almdudler manufacturing process

Origin Story

“Love was the elusive ingredient which led Erwin Klein to the perfect recipe: a blend of 32 natural alpine herbs, beet sugar and soda water. That’s the story behind Almdudler, with the first bottle produced on 17th October 1957 as a wedding present from Erwin to his bride, Ingrid. And that’s why it’s safe to say that Almdudler is a drink with heart and soul.
Once Erwin was sure about what should go into the bottle, the next question was what should go on it. For over 55 years, Almdudler’s shapely glass bottle has been a genuine original, inside and out, thanks to its distinctive design. The trademark logo – the good-humoured couple in traditional garb Marianne and Jakob – still grace the Almdudler bottle today, although they’ve been treated to the occasional makeover across the years. The closely guarded recipe has remained unchanged since 1957. After all, you can’t improve on perfection.”

link to histroy of almdudler